

Our Mission

Special Needs Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Mediation and Disagreement Resolution Services.

We provide mediation and disagreement resolution for children and young people and their parents in dispute with their local authority, health or care providers, as required by the Children & Families Act 2014 and Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014

Charles Horn

SEN Mediator

Charles Horn is our Principal Mediator. Academically and professionally double-qualified, and with an exceptional experience drawn nationally from more than 3,500 SEN/SEND and Disability Discrimination Act/Equality Act mediations since 1999, Charles is an advanced negotiation expert with multi-faceted mediation and ADR experience, having mediated for 25 years across health/medical, equalities, HEI/education as well as family and corporate/commercial cases.

Charles mediates SEN and EqA cases in many Local Authority areas. His style is holistically reactive to the needs of the parties and their interactions with others, always looking for a 'fundamentally wise' CYP-centric solution in all cases.

Charles is a duly qualified mediator under Regulation 40, Special Educational Needs & Disability Regulations 2014, an accredited SEND Mediator listed on the Joint Register of the College of Mediators and the Civil Mediation Council - as well as a mediation adviser under S.56(2) and independent person under S.57(6) Children & Families Act 2014

Charles: he/him/his 


Our team is highly experienced both nationally and locally, so they understand your needs and the particular issues you are trying to manage

Lorraine Johnson 

Senior Independent SEN Case Manager

Lorraine has 20 years of SEND experience. Starting her career as a specialist adviser working with children and young people, she moved on to set up and run two well respected Parent Partnership Services (SENDIASS). Delivering a diverse range of services to 1000’s of families and pioneering proactive parent engagement, Lorraine is known for her practical application of empathy and the ability to solve problems in partnership with others.

Lorraine's  most recent experience as a leader and senior officer for a busy Local Authority SEND Department saw her act in a pivotal role implementing the SEND reforms and leading her team through a successful OfSTED review.  Her experiences provide a unique 360° perspective to her case management work and her mantra is ‘do what’s legal and do what’s right for the family and you can’t go wrong’.

Lorraine is a duly qualified mediation adviser under S.56(2) and independent person under S.57(6) Children & Families Act 2014

Lorraine: she/her/hers

Debbie Denley 

Independent Mediation Advisor

Debbie is a qualified Teacher who taught for many years in an inner city school in Birmingham. She worked as a SENDIASS (Parent Partnership) officer for eight years supporting and impartially advising Parents, Carers and young people on SEN and disability related issues and latterly has worked as a Local Authority officer writing and amending EHCP’s and case managing. Her spectrum of experience covers the triad of areas usually involved in SEN mediation.

In whatever role, Debbie is passionate about putting the child or young person at the heart of all discussions and finding a way forward that has them and their aspirations front and centre. She works from a person-centred perspective coupled with common sense. She is down to earth and has a wealth of experience to draw on to find a sense checked and practical way ahead.

Debbie is a duly qualified mediation adviser under S.56(2) and independent person under S.57(6) Children & Families Act 2014

Debbie: she/her/hers

Siân Landers

Mediation Coordinator and Independent Advisor

Siân has spent her whole career working in education, teaching across the age range from reception to adult. She spent twelve years as Adviser for schools in Somerset covering a range of areas including Special Educational Needs, Assessment and Parental Involvement. before managing Family Learning and Skills for Life across the county within Adult Education. On promotion to Senior Manager for Teaching and Learning, she led the organisation on Quality Assurance and through successful Ofsted inspections. She is committed to the opportunity of high quality of education for all and is highly experienced and empathetic in her dealings with parent/carers and professionals alike.

Siân is a duly qualified mediation adviser under S.56(2) and independent person under S.57(6) Children & Families Act 2014

Siân: she/her/hers

Kathy Brown

SEN Mediator

Kathy is a lawyer by degrees, having taught and led on law degree university programmes for 25 years. She has a wealth of experience and knowledge of SEN, having undertaken extensive doctoral empirical research into SEN law, and her current work as SEND lead trustee of a multi-academy trust.

Kathy’s strengths are her in-depth understanding of equality law plus her extensive experience of listening to vulnerable and anxious people. She uses her analytical skills to ensure mediation participants are able to fully share and communicate their concerns, and to ensure all participants understand the legal provisions that regulate local authority decision making. Kathy's work as a mediator, trustee and university lecturer has one focus, to ensure the child or young person is at the centre of the decision-making concerning their education. 

Kathy is a duly qualified mediator under Regulation 40, Special Educational Needs & Disability Regulations 2014, an accredited SEND Mediator listed on the Joint Register of the College of Mediators and the Civil Mediation Council - as well as a mediation adviser under S.56(2) and independent person under S.57(6) Children & Families Act 2014

Kathy: she/her/hers

Lara Wilks Sloan

SEN Mediator

Lara has spent most of her career in the charity sector as a fundraiser, changing careers in 2023 to become a mediator: Lara is a Society of Mediators Registered Mediator in civil, commercial, workplace and SEN mediation. Lara is passionate about SEN mediation, and supporting parents and carers as they navigate the system. 

Lara started her charity career at The Refugee Council, before moving onto The Suzy Lamplugh Trust and finally, The Anne Frank Trust - all of which brings a wealth of experience in managing people and problems - and generating solutions.

In her spare time Lara is a trustee for POW (Power of Women), a grassroots charity which uses art to talk about and address issues of poverty, low educational attainment, domestic violence and poor health - all of which disproportionately effect women. 

Lara is a duly qualified mediator under Regulation 40, Special Educational Needs & Disability Regulations 2014, an accredited SEND Mediator listed on the Joint Register of the College of Mediators and the Civil Mediation Council - as well as a mediation adviser under S.56(2) and independent person under S.57(6) Children & Families Act 2014

Lara: she/her/hers

Stella Bassett

Emotional Support Dog

Stella is a 7-yr old French Bassett Hound, who supports the executive team (and occasionally some parents, young people and children, during TEAMS cloud video platform meetings). When Stella isn’t lying on sofas, she enjoys long walks, barking, chasing squirrels (more barking) - and occasionally even the odd river boat trip! Stella also likes meeting new people, and helps a lot with anxiety and SEMH issues (OK, she also likes dog biscuits too!)


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